Can you afford to miss a clients death?

558,280 names

Match published death information against your database in real time. We record deaths in New Zealand every day & you can run a match any time.

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NoticeMATCH helps you connect with the bereaved

Your business may have a legal, ethical or moral obligation toward the deceased or their family. We make it easy for you to be proactive & do the right thing.


No greater harm done to relationships with the bereaved than untimely, insensitive contact. Be proactive, discover a death quickly.


Respect your customers and help the family. Acknowledging a death can be the compassionate thing to do, it shows you care.


Do the "right thing". NoticeMATCH helps you personalise your contact with the bereaved, they may be your future customers. View summaries.

Improve your business practice

Daily, weekly or monthly matches tidy up your database in minutes & you will avoid insensitive & untimely communication, saving time & money.

Reduce Costs

A clean database improves your marketing response rate. Avoid print & post waste. Limit time spent reacting to upsetting calls & returned mail.

Avoid Risk

Being proactive, learning of a customer's death as soon as possible, lowers your risk profile. Early notification can save you reputational damage.

Improve Relationships

The bereaved need your help. Make it easy for them to finalise their loved ones affairs, improve your relationship with them. They may be your future customers.

You're in control of your own data


Your data never leaves your own environment. We give you the tools to access & match our deaths against your client database on your own PC.


Every death is verified & a single record for each is created with links, where possible, to publicly available news stories and/or death notices.

Smart Software

Easy set up, avoid reworking previous matches, seconds to run. Keep track of your internal processes & order summaries to learn more about families.

558,280 published deceased notices & also the Government Death Register

Match against deaths in New Zealand, the vast majority of those within 72 hours of passing. Try searching a name.

NoticeMATCH software is transforming business practice

Avoid the avoidable & build better relationships with your future customers today. Here's what our clients say.

Effective, Empathetic, and Prompt Service Builds Rapport

"The high quality death data, ease of use and guidance are just a few reasons why we use this solution almost daily. It allows us to promptly distribute the death notifications to relevant authors in the firm"

John Bates, Saunders & Co Lawyers

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NoticeMATCH partners with the best

Making our death data & software accessible to all businesses sees us work with others to make your experience seamless.

Talk to us about your CRM or particular software program today.

Getting started with NoticeMATCH

We've made getting started as easy as possible. If you can create a csv file of your database, you're ready to start. Yes, it is that easy!

Try NoticeMATCH FREE for 14 days

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